Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Home Underwater? Need 300% or MORE LOAN TO VALUE!

New Refinance Program For Underwater Homeowners!
A new refinance program is going to be available in early March 2012 for underwater Homeowners. Per Fannie Mae, the estimated number of borrowers eligible to refinance under the new HARP 2.0 guidelines is an astounding 9 million homeowners. Below is an initial criteria as to who would qualify: 

1. It does not matter how much your home is underwater, you will be able to refinance at today's low rate.
2. Mortgage insurance will need to be obtained for underwater homes. 
3. No minim credit score
4. Eligibility - Owner occupied, 2nd homes and investment property up to 4 units.
5. Rate and term refinance only - NO cash-out
6. Mortgage should have been obtained prior to 6/1/09
7. Investor on the loan needs to be Fannie Mae. See if your loan is owned by Fannie Mae - Click Here. In order to find out when Fannie Mae purchase your loan- send an e-mail too resource_center@fanniemae.com.

More details to follow. Please check back.

Contact us for additional details- click here

To find out if your home is owned by Fa

Monday, February 6, 2012


As reported in DSNews.com, government officials have announced changes to the administration’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) which are expected to extend relief to a larger share of struggling homeowners as well as renters, according to federal officials.  One of the key adjustments to the program centers around principal reductions. HAMP currently includes an option for servicers to provide underwater homeowners who are struggling with their payments with a modification that includes a principal write down.

As we’ve often seen in the market, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac remain obstacles to both loan modifications and short sales by refusing principal reduction in loan modifications and restricting short sale contributions to junior lenders.  Since these two GSE’s own or guarantee up to 80% of all residential loans, they have a significant effect on market recovery.

To encourage investors to agree to principal reduction modifications, Treasury is tripling the incentives for such restructurings, paying from 18 to 63 cents on the dollar, depending on the degree of change in the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has prohibited Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from employing HAMP’s principal reducing option for their borrowers. Treasury has notified FHFA that it will pay these same principal reduction incentives to Fannie and Freddie if they allow servicers to forgive principal in conjunction with a HAMP modification. FHFA issued a statement in response noting that it recently released analysis concluding principal forgiveness does not offer any greater benefits than principal forbearance as a loss mitigation tool. 

Among the other changes announced, borrowers who are struggling because of debt beyond their mortgages, such as second liens and medical bills, will be eligible for an alternative program evaluation with more flexible debt-to-income criteria. In addition, Treasury will expand eligibility to include investor properties that are currently occupied by a tenant as well as vacant properties slated for rental use.

The deadline for HAMP will be extended for an additional year through December 31, 2013.
Meanwhile, if you or someone you know is struggling with an upside-down property in California and don’t know what to do, our Consultation Program can offer knowledge of what to expect and form strategies to either keep the property or move on with as little financial risk as possible.  To schedule a Consultation, please contact us-Click Here.

The information presented in this Article is not to be taken as legal advice. Every person’s situation is different. If you are upside-down on your loan(s), especially if you’re facing a lender lawsuit, get competent legal advice in your State immediately so that you can determine your best options.